Relationships and Sexuality Curriculum Late in 2020 the MOE published a 'Relationships and Sexuality Education Guide: Year 1-8' which will become a pertinent document for our schools and whānau.
Throughout the last 12 months I have read through, pondered and begun our school's journey to implement this area of learning. Some aspects of the guide are things we currently teach (e.g. the more traditional 'Positive Puberty' units schools are accustomed to), however there are many aspects which are 'new' and potentially controversial for communities. Strong cultural, social values and personal belief systems will influence your school's implementation of this.
I pulled various aspects from this guide as well as the 'Mental Health Education Guide', which was published late in 2022. This is a large curriculum area and has as some areas which align with RSEG. From this I met with our MOE Curriculum Advisor to clarify and discuss further. I then created an implementation guide/unit plan for what this learning looks like and how we plan to implement this across the school; Year 1 - 8.
I am happy to share this guide with any school would like it. I created a timeline of implementation. This was 'staggered' so we can support teachers learning in a scaffolding manner.
We begin with a pilot programme in the senior school (with whānau consultation), then have a review process before expanding to Years 1 - 5 as well. Doing the thinking, having a clear process and confident rationale behind the content is crucial.
Principal / Designated contact: James Rea