The UDL (Universial Design for Learning) Framework to support Literacy and Numeracy Development Awatapu College held a Teacher-Only Day on Tuesday 16 May 2023, where we examined the topics of UDL, Literacy, Numeracy and Reporting. Our staff worked in cross-curricular smaller groups and rotated between 45-minute interactive workshops.
These workshops gave our staff an opportunity to reflect on their current practice and consider what opportunities were available to incorporate UDL, Literacy and Numeracy. Our school continues to build on the inclusive education work done through CR&RP in 2022 by investigating how a Universial Design for Learning framework can enable more equitable access and opportunity for our students. Our SLT and WSTs have teamed up with Tātai Aho Rau | CORE Education to coach and support our departments and teachers. We believe that a UDL framework could increase student engagement and student achievement, and have begun to establish relationships with external organisations and other secondary schools exploring UDL to plan for future implementation.